Mail Delivery Services is located in the south end of the Auxiliary Services Building.
- 7905 S. Redwood Road
West Jordan 84088-4601 - Phone: 801-567-8289
- Fax: 801-567-8092
Responsibilities of Mail Delivery Services Staff
- Develop and implement methods to meet the increasing demand for mail and delivery services throughout the District.
- Sort all incoming mail, small packages, and printed materials; and collect and prepare for distribution of all outgoing U.S. mail and interoffice mail.
- Distribute mail, small packages, printed materials and other appropriate materials to District Office departments, district schools, satellite offices, U.S. Post Office and the Utah State Office of Education (Monday, Wednesday & Friday). Deliver to other agencies when assigned.
- Insure preventative maintenance occurs on vans.
- Mail Clerk -- Bambi Beckett
- Deliveryman -- Matt Gardner
- Deliveryman -- Jeramie Velarde