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Library Media Guidelines

(Revised 2/2022)


Library Media Budgets

  • Approvals and Budget Management: It is the responsibility of the library media specialist to track media expenditures from the 0050 644 budgets and not exceed budget allocations. Expenditures must be approved by the library media specialist and the school principal.
  • Sources of Media Budget Allocations:
    • District Media Budget (0050). District Media Budget funds may be used to purchase library books, magazines, and library/media supplies that are not purchased with the school's general supply budget.  These resources may be physical or electronic.
    • Local Library Fines Budget (2065): Funds that are collected through library fines are to be used for media center needs at the discretion of the school principal.
  • Use of Media Funds: Use of 0050 644 Media Funds: Media funds must be spent on materials that support the core curriculum and remain in the school media center. Media funds may not be spent on equipment, hardware, furniture, etc.


Collection Development

  • Elementary library media specialists have the designated responsibility to select books, magazines, and materials for the media centers. The selections are based on input from students, teachers, staff, administration, and professional review sources.  The District's media selection criteria also guide all acquisitions.  Most importantly, books are selected to meet the needs and interests of the students and the school.
  • Book donations from any source, including book fairs, must be approved by the elementary media specialist assigned to the school.
  • Weeding of library materials is an important component in developing an engaging library collection that is current and relevant. The weeding process is done under the direction of the elementary library media specialist assigned to the school. Books are weeded following professional guidelines.  Factors such as book condition, circulation statistics, and outdated contents are considered in weeding decisions.
  • The cataloging and shelving of all books, magazines, and materials are done under the direction of the elementary library media specialist.


Media Materials Received as Gifts

  • Individuals desiring to donate media materials to a school media center should contact the school principal and the elementary library media specialist assigned to the school to discuss the potential donation. The principal and the  library media specialist will determine if it will be beneficial to the school to accept the donation.
  • The donor may contact the Director of the Jordan Education Foundation to receive tax credit information.
  • The school principal and/or the elementary library media specialist should respond to the donation with a letter of appreciation. The letter may include, but is not limited to, the following suggested response:

    The faculty, staff, and students of (school name) appreciate your recent gift of (specify the donation) to the school media center. 

    Please understand that Jordan School District has a Library Media Selection and Review Policy in place. Each acquisition, including gifts, must meet the selection criteria as stated in the policy. The licensed library media specialist assigned to our school carefully reviews each gift to determine if it meets the selection criteria. Jordan School District reserves the right to place each gift in the most appropriate location or program.

    Thank you for your contribution and your support of (school name)’s educational program.


Discarding Library Media Books and Materials

  • In order to maintain a current base of resources in a library media center, it is necessary to “weed” the collection when materials become worn out, outdated, or no longer meet curriculum needs.  The following guidelines should be followed to appropriately discard library media books and materials:
  • The elementary library media specialist assigned to the school is responsible for “weeding” the library collection based on professional guidelines related to wear and tear, lack of circulation, outdated content, and changing curriculum needs. The process will result in the removal of these items from the collection.
  • The discarded materials will be offered to teachers in the school for classroom and school.  Weeded materials that do not contain outdated information and are not retained by classroom teachers will be boxed for removal.
  • The elementary library media specialist assigned to the school will submit to the Director of Purchasing the Library Media—Discarded Books and Materials form that includes the requested information on the available discarded books and materials.
  • The Purchasing Department will dispose of the library media books and materials in an appropriate manner.


Circulation & Fines

    • Regular materials may be checked out for ten school days.
    • One renewal cycle is allowed.
    • Students may check out up to two items.
    • No daily fines are charged for overdue materials in the elementary libraries.
    • Fines are assessed for lost or damaged materials.
    • Once a book is declared lost, student check-out privileges will be adjusted accordingly.
    • Habitual loss or damage of books or materials will result in loss of check-out privileges.
    • Library materials are considered lost under any of the following conditions:
      • The student admits or reports the item is lost.
      • The item has not been returned by the year-end designated final due date.
    • Books and magazines that have extensive damage, are water damaged, or are unreadable are fined as lost
    • Books that have limited damage are assessed according to the type or extent of damage
    • Fines are collected for lost or damaged books and magazines.
    • Students may not replace a lost or damaged book in lieu of paying the fine. Replacements for lost and/or damaged books may only be purchased through the school’s library media specialist to guarantee the purchase of appropriate bindings, cataloging records, editions, and other media specifications.
    • The record of a student's unpaid fines will remain in place until they have been paid. If a student moves to another school in the Jordan School District, the fine will remain on the student’s library record.
      • Lost Book Fines
        • The fine for a lost book is the original price listed in Destiny.
        • If the original purchase price for a lost book cannot be found in Destiny, the fine is $20 for a hardcover book or $10 for a paperback book.
      • Damaged Books
        • Damaged page: $1 per page up to the cost of the book
      • Magazines
        • Lost or damaged magazine: $5
        • Lost or damaged envelope: $1
    • The student is provided with a printed or electronic notice from the library that states the replacement cost or the fines for damages.
    • Payments for damaged and lost books are collected in the main office and deposited into the in-school library account.
    • Student receives a receipt from the secretary and takes it to the library.
    • The library assistant updates the student’s record in Destiny to reflect payment of the fine and provides a receipt to the student.
    • If a lost book that has been paid for is returned in good condition within the same school year, then a refund may be given for verified payments of fines.
    • Disbursement and use of collected media center fines are the responsibility of the building principal.
    • With the building principal’s express permission, the library media specialist may use fines to purchase replacements for lost and/or damaged books.


Scheduling the Library Media Center

  • The Utah State Library Core designates skills that are to be assessed on a regular basis.  In order to provide the instruction that is designated by the Core, it is essential that each school implements a library schedule that ensures all students receive instruction based on the state library standards.  Also, the schedule should ensure that the library assistants have a two-hour block of overlap time to accommodate collaboration and assistant training.
    • SCHEDULE DEVELOPMENT -- The library schedule should include the following:
      • On a daily basis:
        • One 15-minute book exchange when any student may check out or return a book, usually at the beginning or end of the day.
        • One 30-minute duty free lunch for assistants, as required by District Policy.
      • On a weekly basis:
        • A 2-hour overlap of assistants' schedules without classes is to be scheduled.  Overlap time facilitates collaboration and coordination of the media center.  It is also a time for the elementary library media specialist to instruct, train and work with the library assistants.  The overlap day is to be determined at the principal's discretion.
        • Library schedules should accommodate all classes and grade levels.
      • The library assistants work in collaboration with their principal to schedule classes into the weekly schedule.
      • Library assistants are expected to notify their library media specialist about upcoming library closures and scheduling changes.


Shelving Standards

  • The arrangement of the collection on the library media center shelves is under the direction of the elementary library media specialist. Books and materials are not moved or rearranged on shelves or in areas without the specialist’s specific approval.
  • Books and materials should be shelved according to the following guidelines:
    • Call numbers on books and materials are determined by the elementary library media specialist and may not be changed without approval. If a library assistant believes a book or any other materials have been cataloged incorrectly, the assistant should contact the elementary library media specialist to receive direction on correct cataloging.
    • Books may not be permanently moved from the regular collection for any reason without the approval of the elementary library media specialist. For example, Caldecott, Newberry, and Eyewitness books are not to be permanently placed in their own special areas.  The books may be placed, however, in temporary book promotion displays designed to increase circulation or support curriculum needs.
    • Books in the Dewey Decimal section must be arranged and maintained in correct Dewey Decimal order.
    • Fiction, "everyone" books, and beginning readers must be arranged and maintained in correct alphabetical order.
    • All shelves must be read by the library assistants on a regular basis to maintain correct shelving order for books and materials.


Book Selections by Students

  • Children should have freedom of choice to select a book from any section of the library.  Any child in any grade should be allowed to select non-fiction, fiction, or picture books.
  • Commercial reading programs are designed for supplemental reading. These programs should not totally dictate students’ reading choices. If a student is going to develop a love for reading, books should be chosen based on personal interest.
  • Research shows that younger students prefer non-fiction books because they are interested in learning about the real world in which they live. They should not be denied access to the non-fiction books.
  • Research shows that reading level fluctuates greatly depending on a student’s background and experiences.
  • The opportunity for the library media assistants to share books with students in all grade levels is an integral part of the elementary library media program. This may include reading books to classes, book talks, introductions to author and genres, and other activities that will stimulate students’ interest in reading. Literature read aloud to students in the classroom shall meet the criteria identified in JSD Policy AA424: Literature Selection and Review.


Student Checkout Privileges

  • Students are allowed to check out two books. Students may check out additional books as needed (e.g. they are doing a class research project that requires additional resources). Kindergarten students should be encouraged to check out books as soon as the teacher deems it advisable.
  • Lost Library Materials -- The following guidelines have been adopted to conserve limited funds and promote responsible behavior:
    • The library assistant should contact the parent or guardian as soon as a book is deemed lost.
    • If a student fails to pay for a lost book, the student may check out only one book until the account is paid in full. After a second loss, the student may not check out any library books and the library assistant should notify the principal.


Hiring and Training of Library Assistants

  • Position Description
    • The library assistant position is a 17-hour per week position.
  • Job Summary
    • Elementary library assistants utilize the media center system for books and media equipment and process new materials. They assist students and teachers in locating appropriate books, equipment, and materials; send overdue notices; and help coordinate the collection of fine money for lost and damaged books.
    • As directed by the principal and the elementary library media specialist, the duties of the elementary library assistant may include reading to student groups, instruction students in library core standards, and assisting teachers and students in locating needed materials.
  • Qualifications
  • Hiring -- Applicants are screened, interviewed, and hired according to the hiring guidelines provided by the Human Resources Department. The elementary library media specialist assigned to the school may be included in the hiring process.
  • Training -- Training of all library assistants is conducted under the direct supervision of the school's elementary library media specialist.


Professional Development Training for Elementary Library Assistants

  • In order to prepare and train elementary library assistants to effectively provide services in their schools, the elementary library media specialist provide quarterly professional development sessions on a regular basis.  These meetings are held in a central location throughout the school year and the assistants' attendance is required.
    • In addition, elementary library media specialists are authorized to schedule two-hour professional development training meetings throughout the school year as needed.
    • Notification of quarterly professional development meetings will be given to elementary principals and library assistants prior to the beginning of the school year.
    • The cooperation and support of all elementary principals and library assistants is essential to the success of the elementary library media program.  If additional information is needed concerning specific training meetings, please contact the elementary library media specialist for the school.


Responsibilities and Hours of Work for Elementary Library Assistants

  • Elementary library assistants are paraprofessionals without library certification. They are trained by the elementary library media specialist to handle the day-to-day duties of the media center. The elementary library media specialist handles all other library media responsibilities.
  • FUNDING FOR LIBRARY ASSISTANTS -- Funding for library assistants in the schools has been allocated on a district level. The funding is provided on a per school basis and is not based on student enrollment.
    • Work closely under the direction of the Area Library Media Specialist
    • Circulate books and materials to students and faculty
    • Manage the patron database
    • Reshelf all materials in correct alphabetical and Dewey order
    • Help patrons find materials
    • Read and share literature with all grades
    • Present lessons based on the Utah Library Core Curriculum that have been created by the library media specialists.
    • Send out overdue notices to patrons
    • Process book shipments as they arrive
    • Notify faculty and students of new materials
    • Keep the library media center clean, orderly, and attractive
    • Make minor book repairs
    • Attend professional development sessions
    • Assisting in hiring process and training new library assistants
    • Approving library acquisitions, including donations
    • Creating book orders
    • Creating curriculum lessons based on Utah Library Core Standards
    • Collection maintenance (weeding, inventory, shelving standards, etc.)
    • Provide ongoing professional development for media assistants
    • Elementary library assistants are employed to provide access and assistance to students and teachers needing to use the materials provided in the school library media centers. The library media centers should not be closed at any time during the school’s hours of operation without the authorization of the principal. Eliminating access to the library media center to accommodate personal schedules of the library assistants is not appropriate.
    • Elementary library media assistants are scheduled to work 17 hours per regular week and their hours should be adjusted for shorter work weeks. The school principal determines which of the following scheduling options is utilized: 1) two and one-half days per week, or 2) mornings or afternoons. Media assistants should have a 2-hour overlap time each week for collaboration and planning.
    • Media assistants should have a duty free lunch as outlined in District Policy AA426.


Movie Site Licenses and Guidelines for Using Videos for Non-Educational (Entertainment) Purposes

  • COPYRIGHT LAW AND USE OF VIDEOS FOR NON-EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES -- The following points of the federal copyright law impact the use of videos in the school setting:
    • Under the fair use guidelines, federal copyright law allows educators to use videos in direct, face-to-face teaching activities as part of regular, systematic instructional activities. Public performance rights are not purchased when movie videos are purchased, and the use of these items for reward or entertainment is not allowed.
    • If any outside organizations, including after school programs, use a school facility to show movies to a group, it is legally permitted if the school itself has a public performance site license and the movie is included under the license.
      • To verify that a particular movie is licensed for public performance, search the movie database at Swank Motion Pictures.
    • The use of a public performance site license does not eliminate adherence to Jordan School District Policy DE505 and the accompanying  Jordan School District Copyright Guidelines. In addition, media budgets cannot be accessed to pay the licensing fees or to purchase videos for reward or entertainment purposes. Media allocated funds must be spent on materials that support the core curriculum and remain in the media center collection.
    • Currently, most user agreements of services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, to not allow for public performances.  As a result, they may not be used to stream videos in classroom settings.  It is recommended that educators make extensive use of video resources of Utah Education Network (UEN).


Practicum Hours for Potential Library Media Specialists

  • Individuals working to complete a library media degree/endorsement are required to complete practicum hours working in a library media setting under the direction of a licensed library media specialist. All requests to work in a school library media center to complete practicum hours must be approved and placed in a school setting by the Instructional Support Services Consultant.
    • The following two letters must be submitted to the Support Services Consultant by candidates requesting approval to complete practicum hours in Jordan School District.
      • Letter 1 – Candidate Letter -- A letter from the candidate to the Instructional Support Services Consultant including:
        • Approval to work in a library media center
        • The name of the university and specific program requiring the practicum hours
        • Contact information for the university and program
        • The specific time period requested for completing the practicum hours
        • Request for a particular school (optional)
      • Letter 2 – University Letter -- A letter from the university in which the candidate is enrolled for the library media degree/endorsement containing:
        • Confirmation that the candidate is enrolled in the university and actively participating in a library media degree/endorsement
        • Expected completion date
        • Statement from the university requesting placement of the candidate for practicum hours
        • Proof of a background check on the candidate for licensure
        • Name and information for a university contact person/supervisor of the candidate
        • University requirement information/form for verification of practicum hours
    • This information must be submitted for approval at least three weeks prior to the requested date of placement for practicum hours.
    • The Support Services Consultant will contact the school principal and the candidate regarding placement of the candidate.
    • Completion documents will be sent from the principal to the Support Services Consultant and then forwarded to the appropriate university personnel.
    • Copies of all letters and evaluations will be submitted to the Human Resources Department by the Support Services Consultant.
