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Library Media FAQs

What Is the Destiny Online Library Catalog?
It is a searchable database of all the library materials in the school library collection. It is accessible from any location that has an Internet connection.

How Do I Access Destiny from Home and Other Locations?
The web address for Destiny is Go to Destiny. Click on your school.

What Happens if I Lose or Damage a Library Book?
Students who lose or damage a library book are charged a fine to cover the cost of the loss or damage. Because school library funding is limited, collected fines help replace lost and damage books. They also teach students responsibility for shared resources in the school and larger community.

When Is a Library Book or Other Item Considered Lost?
Library materials are considered lost under any of the following situations:

  • The student reports that the item is lost.
  • The item is overdue for more than one month. (The Destiny system automatically marks these items as lost.)
  • The item has not been returned by the year-end designated final due date.

How Are Lost and Damaged Items Fined?

  • Books/materials that have extensive damage, are water damaged, or are unreadable are fined as a lost item based on the original price that is recorded in the Destiny Library Management System. If the original price is not recorded in Destiny, the fine is $20 for a hardcover book and $8 for a paperback book.
  • The fine for a hardcover book older than 10 years is $10 or $5 for a paperback book.
  • The fine for a lost or damaged magazine is $5. The fine for a lost or damaged magazine envelope is $1.
  • Books/materials that have limited damage are assessed according to the type or extent of damage. The fine for a damaged book is $1 per page up to the cost of the book. The fine for a lost or damaged barcode or spine label are both $1.

How Do Students Know If They Have a Fine?
Students receive a printed notice from the library that identifies amount of the fine.  Students and parents are now able to check their library fines on Skyward as well.

How Do Students Pay a Library Fine?
Library fines in secondary schools are paid in the school office.

What If I Find the Book after the Fine Has Been Paid?
Refunds will be given for books that have been returned after the fine has been paid if the book is returned within the school year, the book is returned in good condition, and payment of the fine can be verified.